Blue Medicine Journal : A Jungian Podcast
Blue Medicine Journal is a Jungian podcast dedicated to the re-enchantment of our world. Join me as we cast off the spell of disenchantment & journey into the blue, that is the soul realms, where we explore the role of dreams, myth, ritual art, and imagination in the face of extinction. Reflections and conversations with remarkable people everywhere in service to healing & creating a beautiful, just, & brave new world! With Sandra del Castillo, PhD; Jungian mentor, ritual artist, and dreamer. Producer, editor, and original music by Lucas Bakker

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Caroline Casey of Coyote Network News shares her wordsmith magic & default setting "Woof, woof Wanna Play" to shine light on the role of the Trickster archetype and Astrology as we wend our way through this kairos moment and dark night of the soul.

Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Saturday Dec 23, 2023
Our last episode of Season 1: A Solstice Lament, Creation Myths, Huitzilopochtli, Aztec God of the Sun and War, Utopia, Dystopia, & the Power of the Word. Join us for the last episode of Season One!

Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
This episode Dr. Stephen Rowley takes us on a soulful mystery tour of his life as "orphan and searcher." Reading from his newly-published memoir,The Lost Coin: A Memoir of Adoption and Destiny, Stephen shares poignant moments and through a Jungian lens, unveils his two quests, outward quest to find his birth parents and the quest inward, to find Self. In the search, he discovers "the journey is home."
Welcome as we imagine a new world into being!

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Join me for some Halloween lore and family ghost stories; two occur in an old Hollywood Hotel known for its ghosts on the 9th floor!
I narrate the first-hand accounts of ghost stories by my sister and daughter, as well as my own; and I am joined live by my son Lucas Bakker, (musician, editor, and producer) who tells his own tales of encounters with ghosts!
Theme Song "Paris" by Lucas Bakker and the eerie song featured for Halloween is his "Liquid Lily!"

Saturday Oct 14, 2023
Saturday Oct 14, 2023
This episode blends Raven lore and considers the trickster-redeemer archetype. Poe's gothic poem of the same name explores the loss of the maiden archetype, and we explore Raven as my guardian spirit throughout my postpartum blues and as lifelong companion.

Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Today we honor the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere. As our circle around the sun takes into the darkness~ storytelling season is upon us! In this spirit, I’ll be sharing a 12,000 year-old prophesy and a poem about the power of story.
Thanks, as ever, to my producer and editor, Lucas Bakker; his original music, "Paris," is our theme song, and today features "Orpheus."

Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Thursday Sep 07, 2023
Meet Dama, Brazilian artist on her journey into " the labyrinth of postpartum blues, "womb intelligence," ghost mentors, and art as Ariadne's thread that has helped her through the maze.
Special thanks to the Tonantzin Society for their generous donation to Blue Medicine Journal. Mil gracias for helping to keep the voice and vision alive as we imagine a new world into being. Mil gracias!
As always, thanks to Lucas Bakker, producer and editor, whose wizardry and original music bring this podcast to life; theme song "Paris," featuring "Morning Blossoms."

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
The Chrysalis: join us for a guided meditation and exploration of profound~yet practical healing modalities that feed the soul with Thea Palencia. Thea is a doctoral student at Pacifica Graduate Institute in the Counseling psychology program, where she brings her own experience with postpartum blues to her research and dissertation topic. Good medicine!

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
"Somehow entering a very dark room forgotten, at the end of a very big castle and I have to find the key." -Cornelia Tae
The poignant and profound stories of two women from two different parts of the world as they share their journeys into and out of the world of postpartum blues, and their paths to healing.
My guests are Christina Valdivia Alcala, founder of the Tonantzin Society, and Romanian artist, Cornelia Tae. The quote is from Cornelia as she returns to contemplate her experience a decade later.
Part 2 of a 5 part series!
Depression and suicidal ideation are themes discussed.

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
This is the first in a series that weaves together Jungian depth psychology with the myth of La Llorona, postpartum blues, and drawing from ancient Mesocamerica, reclaims childbirth as the profound rite of passage that it is.